Today was a relaxing day visiting with Tanya’s second cousin Linda and her husband Chris. Their house is a quick 5-10 minute drive from the campground nestled in the beautiful forest. It overlooks the valley with a great view of the Pine Mountain Club area.
We spent time catching up, doing critically important things like laundry and looking at Chris’ jaw-dropping photography. Sophia decided to spend the night at Chris & Linda’s last night, so she got a head start on drawing, picking blackberries and cuddling.
We talked about taking a hike up Mt Pinos, but we eventually decided to just relax the day away. It was fabulous. Later in the afternoon, Chris talked us through the Tejon Ranch history and showed us a presentation he made for the Tejon Ranch Conservancy highlighting the wildlife in the area. (Which renewed my interest in a 300mm and 500mm lenes for wildlife photography.)
At the end of the day, Sophia decided to stay the night again at their house while Tanya, Cameron and I went back to the trailer. I took some time to enjoy the dark night sky before going to bed. The Milky Way was high in the sky with the summer constellations all shining bright. I wanted to do some star trail photography, but decided to skip it since I hadn’t done any prep for the bear country we were in. The moon sets before sunset while we’re visiting out next stop, so I can try for some fun shots there.
I love your day by day posts. Its like being on a virtual vacation. Thank you!!
It was a joy for Chris and me to have this time at our home in Pine Mountain with the Duke family! The “littles” are the sweetest and smartest kids! Need much more time, especially girl time with T and asking B more questions! Lots more blackberries to pick!